Our SYSTEMIC TEAM services are unique
• Continued business success is not luck, it is working as a COHESIVE TEAM to carefully manage the elements that make your business successful.
• Working together, we review and enhance teamwork and team cohesion in the execution of your business.
• Using our SYSTEMIC TEAM approach, with your teams, we align and systemize the key drivers to your business success in the light of teamwork.
• Engaging ALL your resources (inclusive approach), our SYSTEMIC TEAM process expands teamwork. Your teams adopt and integrate the changes tailored to your unique situation and goals.
• Our holistic approach is unique, it integrates best practices into a seamless system that is easy to use, understand, maintain, and upgrade for future challenges.
• This model, SYSTEMIC TEAM is the fruit of 25 years of development and workplace experimentation. It has consistently proven to deliver lasting improvements on all aspects of business: performance, profitability, attract and satisfy more clients, attract and develop skilled manpower, accelerate innovations, and changes adoption and integration.
• Our SYSTEMIC TEAM service offers integrated techniques, training, and application coaching into a complete approach.
• SYSTEMIC TEAM service consistently delivers proven lasting financial results and a lasting positive human impact (cooperation culture, accountability, enthusiasm facing challenges).
• Measurable results can show within 2 to 3 months of the program start date.
• SYSTEMIC TEAM process, tools and methods improve and extend the team concept to include all members of the organization: executives, management, employees, from sales to delivery to cashing the check from happy customers. It provides a new ground to develop an accelerated way to your desired future and capacity to scale up your organization.
With the SYSTEMIC TEAM services we guarantee you will recover your full investment within a few months: ROI > 3:1
Contact us to know more without obligations.
How we work
• We team up with you and all levels of leaders in your organization. We develop new leadership skills in your current leaders and in your future ones.
• We embody the basic team rules of respect with everyone, openness and listening, desire to improve, willingness to try new things, honestly measure results and impacts, learn from mistakes, set challenging goals.
• Together we challenge the status quo to find new ways to achieve far-reaching goals and objectives for all to benefit.
• We do not tell people what to do; we help them to understand the "what", "why", "how" of the work they do. Then we coach them to find their way to achieve all their purposes and objectives.
• We do not leave a report of what to do; we implement it with your team. In the thick of the action, we train and coach people to do it!
• We implement changes in technology, process and organization with the people that will be living these changes and deliver business every day.
• Together we manage the program and review progress every week against our agreed schedule.
• We train your people to take over what we do, so you can continue to progress to innovate and adapt to future challenges that will come to you: To remain the leader in your market.
Contact us to know more without obligations.
We are there for you, for the long-term
- Following any implementation, there is a need to implementation extended support that will follow up and ensure the full integration of the knowledge, the skills, the methods into a culture. This ensures your business will "cash the check" for all the benefits available from the new situation. We offer this support to you and your enterprise.
- We remain in touch with you. As time changes, you may want to bounce ideas to incorporate new ideas, pick up new challenges etc. Having worked together we are well equiped to provide additional leads, discuss and challenge the art of the possible with you.
- Typically the new culture we develop with our clients last for years; our typical call back is from clients telling us that "after so many years, too many key people retired or left and their replacement need be trained and energized".
How you will cash that check is entirely up to you: You may grow sales, grow revenues, grow profits, improve your team, improve results sharing, use your team to innovate, reduce costs, increase the resale value of your business, etc.
YOU REMAIN IN CONTROL, you decide to: stop or go and timing.
We work together with your team to make changes happen.